新浪科技讯 北京时间6月24日早间消息,美国科技博客AllThingsD援引消息人士的说法称,微软CEO史蒂夫·鲍尔默(Steve Ball...
阅读 2190 2018/6/21 17:41:01 -
Microsoft announced the restructuring plan in July 1st: executives are not aware of panic.
Sina Technology News Beijing time in June 24t...
阅读 1334 2018/6/21 17:41:01 -
360 portable routers have begun to accept reservations
Sina Technology News on the morning of June&n...
阅读 1446 2018/6/21 17:38:30 -
新浪科技讯 6月18日上午消息,360即将推出的硬件产品“360随身WiFi”,今日上午已经开始接受用户预订,每台零售价为19.9元。...
阅读 2130 2018/6/21 17:38:30 -
【深圳商报北京1月5日电】(驻京记者 姜媛)“由深圳市人民政府与数字中国联合会共同主办的2012中国(深圳)IT领袖峰会将于3月24-25日在深圳举行...
阅读 2294 2018/6/21 17:29:02 -
The IT leaders summit was held in March
[Shenzhen commercial newspaper Beijing January 5] ...
阅读 1435 2018/6/21 17:29:02 -
Nora player (QvodPlayer) 3.5.0 build 0065 Standard Edition
QvodPlayer is a multi function and personalized&nb...
阅读 1373 2018/6/21 17:23:26 -
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4.1 多语言版
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom是一款以后期制作为重点的图形工具,它面向数码摄影、图形设计等专业人士和高端用户,支持各种R...
阅读 1326 2018/6/21 17:21:29
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